Sunday, January 25, 2009

Quick update

So I've accepted the fact that I'm not going to have a great up-to-date blog, I have a hard time doing anything that requires constant updating/monitoring. I perfer projects that I can just finish--although I must admit, I haven't finished many projects in the last several years either. However, I did make this photobook on Shutterfly and am quite proud of myself for completing it. I thought I'd post it then it was like killing two birds with one stone.

Life is going great for us right now. Abe started a new job a few weeks ago. We are still here in Miami, but he is now at the Baker McKenzie law firm. We have about 7 weeks left of our pregnancy and then we should be welcoming a new baby girl into our family. We are very excited! Life continues to be an adventure daily.

Shared photo book from Julie:

View Project at Shutterfly